
Voting Rules and Instructions


  1. Look over each page very carefully to judge which dolls you believe are most life-like.  To view additional photos of each doll click on the thumbnail pictures. 
  2. Write down the names and page numbers of all your favorite artists on a piece of paper. 
  3. Once you have looked through all the pages return to the pages of the artists you like best for another view.
  4. Decide on the one artist (this will be hard, we know!) that you feel best transforms their doll kit into a life-like baby.
  5. Place your vote by clicking on the Submit Vote button on page eighteen.  The artist's names are listed alphabetically by first name.  You may only vote once, so make your decision carefully! 

Secrist Doll Company retains final voting authority over the winning dolls.  The final decision for the winner will be based on several variables, the number of votes AND the quality of the painting.  The total votes accumulated will not alone determine the winner.



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Your selection for the number one newborning artist is:
 Amy Ferreira
 Alison Bacon
 Andrea Price
 Angela Halliday
 Angela Mueller
 Anne Clark
 Anquila Hallam
 Antônio Carlos de Azevedo Pinto Guimarães Junior
 Barbara A. Gordon
 Barbro Karlsson
 Bernadette Smallwood
 Beth Downing
 Beverley Anne Davis
 Beverly Myers
 Brenda Lacoste
 Brooke Bilek
 Brooklyn Gee
 Candyce Quayle
 Carolyn Gardner
 Cherry McDonald
 Cheryl Bage
 Cheryl Smart
 Cindy O'Keefe
 Cindy Parker-Katz
 Cynthia Dehnert
 Danene Stranahan
 Danette Knutson
 Debbie de Graaf
 Debbie Graham
 Debbie Jobert
 Debbie Ogles
 Deborah Smith
 Deborah Tacy
 Denise Jordan
 Diana Austin
 Diane Trenkle
 Diana Miller
 Diane D. Lugo
 Dianne Junior
 Donna Allen
 Elaine West
 Elisa Johnson
 Ella Poole
 Ellen Price
 Emma Snushall
 Erica Pattison
 Falicia Sherbon
 Freda Luke
 Regina Atkinson
 Gale Starr
 Gay Schaller
 Georgine Meyer & Sharon Moore
 Glenda E Ewart
 Glenys Spears
 Gloria Cheever
 Hayley Gregory
 Heather Harper
 Heather Murphey
 Heidi Solomon
 Helen Riley
 Helga Sommer
 Hope Barrow
 Hope Gaigler
 Jacalyn R Cassidy
 Jackie Catterall
 Jackie Nicholson
 Jacqueline Haney
 Jaimie Lasley
 Jan Fisher
 Janet Chambers
 Janet F. Weeston
 Jannine Hall
 Jean Haver - Philpott
 Jeanett Steengaard
 Jeanne Giroux
 Jemma Atkins
 Jennifer Hovan
 Jennifer Pizzigoni
 Jo Beckelman
 Joan Hawse
 Judith Johnson
 Judy Morabito
 Julie Lepage
 June Hall
 June Little
 Kami Lusby
 Kandy Holliman
 Karen Aikman
 Karen Larrabee
 Karen Whitmore
 Karen Winters
 Karin Ruesch
 Kathi Hull
 Kathryn Williams
 Kathy Kemppi
 Kellie DeMeyer
 Kelly Heintz
 Kerri Thoelen
 Kimberley Becker
 Kirsty Black
 Kristina Sandström
 Laurel Dallmann
 Laurie Sánchez
 Leah Couanon
 Leanne Michelle Storey
 Lena Thiel
 Linda Dreyer
 Linda Guarino
 Linda Macario
 Linda Mead
 Linda Sheidler
 Linda Stubbs
 Lisa Beaty
 Lori Reid
 Lorraine Broadhead
 Lynn Katsaris
 M. Teresa Cunningham
 Marg Holt
 Marianne Catterall
 Marina Martinaitene
 Marylin Howard
 Melissa Carlton
 Melissa Clair
 Micaela Elise Agatep
 Michelle Hileman
 Michelle Hudson
 Mimi Litterst
 Monickie Ürbanjos
 Mrs. Frances Staines
 Nancy Howey
 Nancy Meeks
 Natasha Penfold
 Olga Deutz
 P. Stephenson
 Pam Stephenson
 Patricia Haydel-Jarrard
 Patricia M LaChance
 Phyllis Staples
 Ranae Siegfried
 Rebecca Renzhammer
 Rebecca Sanders
 Renae Harkins
 Rene A. Schwarz
 Rhonda Arnold
 Rhonda Hurless
 Rina Muller
 Rita Del Gaudio
 Roberta Cole
 Roberta Polniak
 Robin Hofstadter
 Robyn Bromley
 Romie Strydom
 Rosemary Rolfe
 Rossella Doveri
 Roxan Ostrowski
 Roxana Burger
 Samantha Smith
 Sarah Healy
 Sharon Bolton
 Sharon R Knox
 Sheila & Keith Rigler
 Sherrill McLane
 Shuree Gomez
 Sonya Ashley Kindt
 Sonya Reckling
 Sunny Seawright
 Susan Andrews
 Susan Hosier
 Susan Vanorman
 Tara Ussailis
 Teri Bramblet
 Terri Crisp
 Tiffany and Debbie Ostrowski
 Virginia Heath
 Vivian Brown
 Yvette Rocha
 Yvette Van Eyssen

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