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Regina Atkinson

Torrevieja, Alicante | Spain
Doll: Gumdrop

Judith Johnson
Florissant, Missouri | United States
Doll: Jamie

Marianne Catterall
Copenhagen | Denmark
Doll: Jamie

Karen Aikman
Decatur, Tennessee | United States
Doll: 36" Chris
36" Chris is from the Apple Valley Doll Works division of Secrist Toys, Inc. 
All Apple Valley dolls are available without paint and eyelashes for reborning artist.

Brenda Lacoste
Metairie, Louisiana | United States
Doll: Zoë

Linda Sheidler
Everett, Washington | United States
Doll: Teddy

M. Teresa Cunningham
Hughestown, Pennsylvania | United States
Doll: Honey

Roberta Polniak
New York | United States
Doll: Zoë

Sheila & Keith Rigler
Dorset | United Kingdom
Doll: Honey

Rene A. Schwarz
New Jersey | United States
Doll: Corey

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